XENBIT ResQueServe Docs
Welcome to the official documentation for XENBIT ResQueServe. This page will serve as the entry point for accessing API references, packages, and more. As development progresses, this documentation will be updated with more detailed content and examples.
NuGet Packages
The following NuGet packages are currently available for .NET 9:
1. XENBIT.ResQueServe.Abstractions
Install the package via the .NET CLI:
dotnet add package XENBIT.ResQueServe.Abstractions
2. XENBIT.ResQueServe.Core
Install the package via the .NET CLI:
dotnet add package XENBIT.ResQueServe.Core
These packages provide core functionality and abstractions for ResQueServe services. More details on usage and examples will be added soon.
Bug Reports & Tracking
To report bugs or track issues, please visit:
👉 track.xenbit.app
Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps improve the quality of our services.
Stay Tuned
We are actively developing and expanding these APIs. Keep an eye on this documentation for future updates, including:
- Detailed API references
- Usage examples
- Best practices
- Guides and tutorials